These visits are great for Christmas, birthdays, product promotion, parades, tree lightings, professional groups and Christmas in July,. Santa can tailor each visit to the client’s needs.
Santa loves to visit good girls and boys. Stay right in your home and Santa will video chat with you and your parents. Do you have family spread across the world? No problem, they too can join in on the video call and watch as Santa has a home visit.
Have Santa send a video greeting to your daughter or son on the great game they played in soccer, baseball, hockey or whatever sport they play. Maybe they did very well on a test from school or achieved a personal goal they had been working on.
Anyone can put on the suit, but not everyone has that twinkle in the eye. Santa with real beard and real stuffing. Small fee for attending Corporate, Private Functions and video messaging or video live chat. Charities and Children’s Organizations please contact me directly for a special pricing. Copy of Police Clearance provided on request.